Doors and Windows
Ever thought how your home would look like without doors or windows? Hard to imagine right? Well, doors and windows not only allow/ block the access to the interior of your home but also provide safety from external environment. Apart from these major functions, it also portrays the style statement of the house.
From the era when people started constructing houses and buildings, wooden doors and wooden windows have become an integral part of the construction. As a result of which, more and more forest trees were cut down for the purpose of making them.
UPVC Doors and Windows (PVCu)
As the time role, people are becoming more environmental conscious and are looking for an alternative replacement of wood for the making of door or window frames.
A special class of door & window frames was introduced at the beginning of 20th century that became widespread in Europe, and these were known as UPVC/ PVC Window and door frames.
What are UPVC doors/ windows?
The full form of UPVC is Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride (ridged plastic or also known as Vinyl frames). PVC is the third –most widely produced plastic polymer after polyethylene and polypropylene.
In Upvc door & window frames, instead of traditional wood, the frames are replaced by Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride (UPVC).
What are advantages of UPVC door/ window frames over wooden frames?
UPVC is not only a perfect eco-friendly replacement for wooden doors/ windows, but they are also more efficient than them.
It is estimated that PVC door & window frames are more durable compared to wood, and have a lifespan of about 50 years and doesn’t shrink or swell during humidity changes, as the wooden frames do.
PVC doors and windows are manufactured in such a way that it has high thermal resistance & needs low maintenance cost. It is also more economical than traditional wooden door & window frames.
What are types and colors available in UPVC Doors and Windows?
Types of Upvc doors & windows:
There are many types of upvc doors and windows like French doors, sliding doors, Inward and outward doors, fixed windows, combination windows, tilt in tilt out windows that are available in different sizes which can be customised to your needs.
Upvc doors & windows color options:
There are many shades of colors that are available for upvc frames which give the frames a traditional wooden texture finish, like mahogany, oak, walnut, cream white, macore etc.